Ben Carson to Newsmax: Bronx Turnout for Trump Not Surprising

Dr. Ben Carson, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary, told Newsmax on Friday that he wasn’t surprised that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump drew a massive crowd in the Bronx on Thursday.

“I think it’s wonderful that people are actually starting to evaluate what’s happening in their lives, rather than just following the party line and doing what they’ve always done,” Carson said on “Wake Up America.” “You have to recognize that it’s not a Black or brown or a white issue. It’s an American issue. Everybody is feeling the pain when they go to the store, when they go to the gas pump, when they get their bills in the mail.

“It was so different just a short period of time ago in the previous administration. People can put those two things side by side. They don’t have to think back 20 or 30 years. It’s just a few years in a stretch in people’s memory. So I’m not surprised to see people migrating toward Trump. I think this is the beginning of that migration. I think it’s going to continue.”

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